Guglielmo Marconi University is launching the online kick off meeting of the GICO (Gasification Integrated with CO 2 Capture and Conversion) project. The GICO project is funded by the European Commission under the framework of the Horizon 2020 programme. GICO aims to develop renewable energy technologies that will form the backbone of the EU energy system by 2030 and 2050: in particular, GICO, via developing new materials and high quality gaseous intermediate bioenergy carriers; CO2 capture sorbents; high temperature inorganic removal sorbents, catalysts and filter candles; membranes for oxygen separation and for methanol production and technologies (e.g. plasma CO2 conversion) and their integration, aims to demonstrate the technical feasibility of low cost waste biomass small to medium fuel and CHP plants with more than 50% cost reduction as well as more than 50% efficiency increase (80% vs 40% for fuel and 40% vs 25% for electricity, 2030 SET plan action 8 >30%), and negative-zero emissions.
The GICO project consortium is made up of the most relevant experts in the field, coming from different background and different EU countries: universities (Marconi University, University of L’Aquila, TU/e), research centres (ENEA, Julich, CSIC, TECNALIA) and companies (ICI caldaie, IRIS Srl, Marrion Technologies SA, CALIDA).
During the kick off meeting the project partners will present themselves as well as the expertise they bring to the project and the main activities to be carried For more information on the project please follow the Unimarconi social networks and website